
A simple solution to web tabs management and increasing productivity presented by Team Potato

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A One Stop Solution for Avoiding Distraction.


Flow – Your Best Choice

  • This extension is essentially a merge between focus mode and tab grouping extensions, allowing users to divide extensions into groups and activate focus mode within that group. Essentially, all tabs outside of that group become blocked and unavailable to use for a certain amount of time, and only the tabs within the active group will be available to the user, preventing distractions in the process and, as a result, potential increase in productivity.

Easy Installation

  1. Click the ZIP or TAR button above to download. You can also visit our Github page by clicking View On Github.
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Go to “Team-Potato” folder and open a terminal, type in npm install.
  4. In your terminal type npm run build-dev.
  5. Type in chrome://extension on search bar of your chrome.
  6. Toggle on Developer Mode by clicking the toggle switch on the top right corner of the page. (You should be able to see an extra white bar show up right below the blue bar)
  7. Click on the Load Unpacked button and select the ../Team-Potato/build folder of the file.
  8. Flow is ready to go!

Get Started with Our Extension

  • Click on the icon of our logo

  • Open Flow

  • Be ready for a whole new experience

open potato tabs active tabs

Organize Your Tabs into Groups

  • Click the + icon

  • Type in the best group name you can think of

  • Select the tabs that you want to add

  • Or…. (to be continue)

create group

Drag and Drop Makes Your Life Easier

  • What if you want to add new tabs into a group?

  • We got you covered with easy-to-use drag-and-drop function!

drag & drop

Say NO to Distraction

  • Focus Mode allows you to focus on one group of tabs with a customizable time.
  • First click on the green play icon after the group you want to focus on from the small panel.
  • Set the timer and click start focus
  • Now you can concentrate on your job, awesome!

focus1 focus2

Trying to Open New Tabs?

  • Different websites, different choices.
  • When you open up a new tab, a prompt will give two choices
  1. Close Tab - this will close the new tab immediately and thus prevent distraction. Close YouTube now and go back to study!

  2. Add to Group - this will allow you to use the website and add it to your group. Please, I need Github to study!

focus3 focus4

After Focus

  • You can see GitHub is now in the study group.
  • If you want to recover the tab that was closed when starting focus mode, follow the instructions below.
  1. Navigate to the Flow menu page.
  2. Find the Saved Tabs on the bottom left of the menu.
  3. Choose the site you want to recover by clicking on them or simply recover all of them by using Open All button
  4. Or, you can click on Delete All if you don’t want them any more.

saved tabs new study group
